J-Horror in the current Esquire

Mark Nornes amnornes
Mon Mar 14 06:44:19 EST 2005

Comin' to Getcha
  The latest Japanese import? Pure, unadulterated fear .
  by Mike D'Angelo | Apr 01 '05

The most terrifying moment I've ever experienced in a movie theater 
happened four years ago, at the Toronto Film Festival, roughly half an 
hour into a Japanese picture called Pulse . Like most Japanese horror 
films of the past century, Pulse is a ghost story, and like much recent 
"J-horror" (as the genre has come to be known to U.S. film buffs), it's 
predicated on a fear of modern technology, with a plot involving a 
haunted Web site. The scene that got the hair on my forearms and the 
back of my neck doing the wave, however, is decidedly low ......
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