Ring 2 review

Stefan Nutz / Nuzumakifilms nuzumaki
Thu Mar 17 22:23:43 EST 2005

nakata is now re-directing pang's THE EYE (HK) for hollywood.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Mark Nornes 
  To: KineJapan 
  Sent: Friday, March 18, 2005 12:34 AM
  Subject: Ring 2 review

  From the Times

  Mr. Nakata has either become tired of the "Ring" premise - a murdered girl haunts and hunts those unlucky enough to watch her on videotape - or something went seriously awry during production. Whatever the case, despite Mr. Nakata's track record and the radiant presence of its star, Naomi Watts, "The Ring Two" is a dud.

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