
Massimiliano noiasolare
Sat May 28 12:34:18 EDT 2005

Dear Kinejapan members,

my name is Massimiliano. I study Japanese language and culture at Ca?
Foscari University in Venice, Italy, and I?m specializing in cinema with
prof. Novielli.
Actually I?m a silent reader of this list since at least year 2000, I think,
so now it?s been many years that I?ve been following the Japanese film
scene. At several festivals (Venice, FEFF, Pordenone, Infinity) I also had
the pleasure to know many of you like Aaron Gerow, Mark Schilling, Stephen
Cremin, Pier maria Bocchi, Roland Domenig

Nowadays I?m working on my thesis on Nakata Hideo that will deal with the
horror genre, but other genres and less discussed aspects as well.
If anybody is interested in this subject or has ideas and documents to
exchange please, feel free to email me.

I?ll try my best to give my contribution whenever possible.

Thank you all,

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