Japanese-English film subtitles

Kerim Yasar kerimyasar
Sun Nov 6 14:52:10 EST 2005

Hi Robyn,

A) maybe try "war profiteer"?

B) unfortunately English doesn't seem to have terms of
endearment for one's superiors the way Japanese does. 
I think you're stuck with "boss."  I agree that
"godfather" is inappropriate.

C) I think "pocket money job" is excessively literal
and doesn't really convey the connotation, inherent to
the Japanese, that this is work in addition to one's
normal work.  More natural-sounding translations would
include "side job," "extra work," or even

You should also sign up for the "honyaku" mailing list
on Yahoo groups.  Plenty of professional translators
(both J-E and E-J) there with time on their hands who
get a kick out of answering people's questions.

Kerim Yasar

--- Robyn Dranfield <robyn.d at 3ae.jp> wrote:

> I was wondering if I could seek someone's advice
> about translating a 
> Japanese script into English subtitles.
> Would anyone have any other ideas on how to
> translate the following three 
> words.  The lines are taken from a Japanese film
> which is set in Okinawa 
> during the early years of the American Occupation.
> (A)
> ??????????????(stealing stuff from army bases to
> sell on the black market)
> I am thinking to translate ???????????? as looting
> (looter), scavenging 
> (scavenger) yet, the nuance seems to be more
> "pillaging fruits of war". Any 
> other ideas that are shorter?
> Context:
> (2) ????????????????????????????????????
> (B)
> ??????????
> I thinking to translate it as 'boss' but the feeling
> is more of a fatherly 
> yakuza boss. (Godfather is way too strong)
> Context:
> (1)????????????????????????????????????????????????
> (2) ??????????????????
> (C)
> ????????????
> I found it as 'pocket money job',  does anyone have
> any other thoughts?
> Thank you so much for your help!
> Robyn Dranfield 

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