children consuming electronic technology in Japanese films?

Margaret 'Peggy' Fitzgerald mmf9
Mon Nov 21 18:32:38 EST 2005

>     Would anybody have suggestions for film images of Japanese children
>using electronic stuff, particularly as entertainment?  Ozu s Ohayo on
>television & Nakata s Ringu for video come to mind.  There are scenes in
>Koreeda s Daremo shiranai at a game parlor and with a TV game. I would be
>very grateful for any advice.  
> Greg Johnson
> Comparative Culture
> Otsuma Women s University
> Tokyo

Just a comment, but I must be from another century: reading "children
consuming electronic technology in Japanese films?" sounds to me like the
kids are chewing on their keitai and terebi geemu.

Margaret M. 'Peggy' Fitzgerald
Lecturer, Japanese Language

Department of Modern Languages and Literatures
202 Guilford House, Case Western Reserve University
10900 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44106-7118
tel: 216-368-5081/3071
fax: 216-368-2216

e-mail: margaret.fitzgerald at

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