Mac software/hardware for video clips

allspies at allspies at
Thu Dec 7 21:49:03 EST 2006

I just connect the DVD player to my digital video camera, then the camera to
my Mac and log the clip into Final Cut, which I then export as Mpeg4 or a
Quicktime movie.  Your camera needs the play-through function for this to
work though (it even works with protected DVDs since it doesn't go onto the
tape in the camera at all). Since I have Final Cut I haven't tried, but it
might work in iMovie too... If you can get it to work this way, let me know!

Again, I haven't tried this yet, but apparently if you have a firewire DVD
recorder, you can do it without any video editing software -- check out this
link (there's a good diagramme -- the video camera basically works as a D/A
converter box):

Alwyn Spies
Assistant Professor, Creative and Critical Studies
University of British Columbia Okanagan
3333 University Way
Kelowna, BC
V1V 1V7
alwyn.spies AT

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