Eastwood's films

Aaron Gerow gerowaaron at sbcglobal.net
Fri Dec 15 10:29:50 EST 2006

> Can you point us to other reviews of "Letters from Iwo Jima" that may 
> have
> appeared -- in Japanese and in English -- in the last few weeks?

I get the Asahi and a number of pieces have appeared in the last week. 
On the morning of the 13th, there was a series of three pieces by 
different individuals reviewing the film, including Nogami Teruo and 
Ikui Eiko. Ikui wrote is the most critical thing I've read so far, 
arguing that the film reflects the fact that Japan is now probably the 
USA's sole friend in the world and and thus has become an object both 
to be desired and to be safely ignored (I find his piece to be 
reductionist and offering little to say about the individual film, but 
Ikui-san is a smart man, so I hope he writes something extended that 
actually analyzes the text). Nogami complained about some inaccuracies, 
but she and the other writer praised it as a superior anti-war film. 
Yamane Sadao penned a review in yesterday's yukan which was very 
positive, stressing in particular the dry, unsentimental stance. Yamane 
also wrote about it in KineJun. Other newspaper reviews can be seen 

Aaron Gerow
KineJapan owner

Assistant Professor
Film Studies Program/East Asian Languages and Literatures
Yale University

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