CineAsia ML

Geir Friestad geir at
Sat Feb 18 19:56:29 EST 2006

Quoting Nate Shockey (nshockey at
| Like probably many more, I was unwillingly receiving the spanish
| ML postings - I think the trick is after you say you want to
| unsubscribe, you have to reply to the confirmation email that they
| send you.

Yeah, this is the correct procedure. I had the same problem, but I
finally used Altavista's Babelfish service to find out what the
unsubscribe mail said. And this is what it asked for - a reply to
confirm the unsubscription, no text in the body of the mail

geir at || gfriestad at ||
"Those who would sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither."
                                        - Benjamin Franklin

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