CineAsia ML

Trond Trondsen trondsen at
Sat Feb 18 20:47:38 EST 2006

I was recruited as well, but I was able to successfully unsubscribe.

May I suggest that the moderators of KineJapan refrain from  
periodically posting the complete list of KineJapan members.  The  
list of addresses can be too easily misused, unfortunately.


On 18-Feb-06, at 6:38 PM, Silvia Groniewicz wrote:

> At 01:56 19.02.2006, you wrote:
>> Quoting Nate Shockey (nshockey at
>> Yeah, this is the correct procedure. I had the same problem, but I
>> finally used Altavista's Babelfish service to find out what the
>> unsubscribe mail said. And this is what it asked for - a reply to
>> confirm the unsubscription, no text in the body of the mail
>> necessary.
> Thanks, I gathered as much but it looked like an automated mail and  
> there was no explanation given as to whom I should eMail, or at  
> least I didn't see any. So it seems like someone took our  
> periodical membership posting and force-subscribed us? Is there  
> nothing we can do about this so it won't happen again? I'm on more  
> than enough spammer lists as it is (even though this wasn't  
> spamming per se).
> Seems like every possible thing was done to reel us in: First not  
> replying to the invite invited you (unlike it's usually done), then  
> once you unsubscribe you don't get a confirmation but instead get  
> asked to reply once again to finally get off the hook... Maybe  
> someone speaking Spanish could point out to the CA Admin that this  
> isn't the fine way to do things.
> Thanks for the helpful tips,
> Silvia

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