Cine-Asia, one more time

Christine Marran marran
Mon Feb 27 19:15:26 EST 2006

Thank you Joe.  I too thought I had escaped but was wrong. Your 
directions were very helpful.

Joseph Murphy wrote:
> Dear Members of Kine-Japan,
> I wasn't following the Cine-Asia thread, thinking it was someone else's 
> problem, and why should I concern myself with events that happen all the 
> way around the world on that other operating system.  Then today I got 
> hit, 40 messages, including one person screaming in all caps that they 
> don't read Spanish and REMOVE ME NOW!!!  And now I understand that it 
> really is a global problem.  
> If I am repeating information, sorry, but this is the procedure to 
> unsubscribe:
> 1.  click the second to the last link at the bottom (the last one is a 
> yahoo groups link)
>     * Para cancelar tu suscripci?n a este grupo, envi? un mensaje a:
>       CineAsia-unsubscribe at
>       <mailto:CineAsia-unsubscribe at>
> 2.  type unsubscribe in both the subject and text area.
> 3.  you will receive a message back as follows:
> Begin forwarded message:
>> ?Hola!
>> Hemos recibido tu solicitud de cancelar tu suscripci?n al grupo 
>> CineAsia. Por favor, confirm? esta solicitud
>> respondiendo este mensaje. Si no quer?s cancelar tu suscripci?n a 
>> CineAsia, no hagas caso de este mensaje.
>> Atentamente,
>> El equipo de Servicio al Cliente de Yahoo! Grupos 
>> El uso de Yahoo! Grupos est? sujeto a las 
> 4.  I asked one of our student assistants from Venezuela to take a look 
> to be sure.  According to her, it is in a dialect that she can't place, 
> rather informal.  What the message says is "please confirm that you want 
> to cancel by responding to this message".  If you reply again 
> "unsubscribe" you will get a message informing you that your 
> cancellation is complete.
>> ?Hola!
>> Este mensaje es para informarte que tu solicitud de cancelar tu
>> suscripci?n a CineAsia ha sido completada.
> Whether I just initiated the countdown sequence on a virus, we'll see.  
> Please be aware that some advise never to click on unsolicited mail 
> under any circumstances, but I did get an immediate reply confirming 
> cancellation.   
> It seems clear this is operating on the KineJapan list, but because we 
> were not signed up in one shot, this seems to have characteristics of an 
> automated program grinding away on our mailing patterns rather than an 
> isolated "accident" or leak of the mailing list.  
> I would guess Cine-Asia either doesn't know what's happening, or used a 
> tool that got out of hand.  I know enough Spanish to see that there is a 
> lot of enthusiastic and informed discussion of Asian film, events, 
> festivals, etc.  We have a lot of students here from Chile, Argentina, 
> Venezuela, etc., and there is a thriving J-film and anime scene in the 
> cities.  So I second Emilio Orby's concern that we not dump on what may 
> be a valuable companion site because of this breach of etiquette, or 
> worse because they aren't writing in the universal language.  If we ever 
> clear this up, we might even consider a link to their site under 
> "Spanish-language Resources."  
> Apologies if I'm repeating something already posted.
> yours,
> Joe Murphy

Christine L. Marran
Asst. Professor of Japanese Literature and Cultural Studies
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Department of Asian Languages and Literatures
University of Minnesota

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