AW: looking for articles on Miike

Roland Domenig roland.domenig
Wed Jan 11 04:52:28 EST 2006

The French-German sender ARTE has aired AUDITION last November as part of a 4 film series with the title "Erotic cinema from Asia". The other films were Oshima's AI NO BOREI, Tanaka Noboru's JITSUROKU ABE SADA and Kim Ki-Duk's THE ISLE. The theme of the series was Eros and Thanatos and that AUDITION was selected indicates that the program directors didn't regard the violence in Miike's film as gratuitous.

Roland Domenig
Institute of East Asian Studies
Vienna University

-----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht-----
Von: owner-KineJapan at im Auftrag von Jim Harper
Gesendet: Mi 11.01.2006 09:20
An: KineJapan at
Betreff: Re: looking for articles on Miike
Just out of interest, aside from the UK, where has Audition been shown on television?

Mark Nornes <amnornes at> wrote:
On Jan 10, 2006, at 8:43 AM, Aaron Gerow wrote:

> I don't know if it "proves" his violence is not gratuitous, but I do 
> have an old article that makes a case for his thematic importance:

OK, so what I was obliquely trying to suggest is that standard 
definitions of "gratuitous" won't work so well for Miike. Thanks to the 
irony and self-conscious, "light" approach to everything he does, the 
very "gratuitousness" of the violence is in its own way "thematic." I'd 
be very impressed if you could get Audition on television without 
censorship, though. Go for it.

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