SYMPOSIUM Media & Popular Cultural Flows in East Asia, Monash Univ. Clayton, Aug. 4-5, 2006
Jonathan M Hall
Sat Jul 22 11:42:51 EDT 2006
July 20, 2006
Symposium: "Media and Popular Cultural Flows in East Asia", Monash
University, Clayton (VIC), 4-5 August 2006
(x-post H-Japan)
From: Alison Tokita <Alison.Tokita at>
Media and popular cultural flows in East Asia: Transnational flows of
mediated narratives in comics, cinema and TV dramas
Funded by the ARC Asia Pacific Research Futures Network and the Korea
August 4-5, 2006, at the Japanese Studies Centre Auditorium, Monash
University, Clayton
North East Asia continues to be a powerhouse of economic and social
development, despite extremely serious ongoing security tensions.
However, there is also growing evidence that a vigorous cultural import
and export trade within the region (in such commodities as comics,
cinema and TV dramas) has potential to create a shared popular culture.
The widespread diffusion of the Internet, and the concomitant
enthusiastic take-up of blogging, is creating new cultural communities
among the consumers of these commodities. The struggle for leadership
between Japan and Korea in the sphere of the culture industries provides
a fertile field for the study of soft market power versus hard national
power. The competing national discourses of the "Korean Wave" (hallyu)
and Japan's "Gross National Cool" indicate that there is a battle over
soft power in the East Asian region.
This project investigates and analyzes the effects of transnational
flows of information, mediated cultural texts between Japan, Korea,
China and Taiwan over the past decade or so, specifically:
a. the role of Seoul and Tokyo as cultural traffic nodes in the
transnational transmission of various cultural texts, their mutual
appropriation and influence, and the creation thereby of a shared
popular media culture in the East Asian region. Case studies will
include the influence of Japanese comics and anime, and the
international reception of Korean television dramas and cinema, and the
consequent construction of national and transnational identifications by
various audiences;
a. the potential of a shared popular culture for overcoming some of
security and diplomatic tensions in the East Asian region;
b. the role of audiences and fans of this shared popular culture, as
new power holders who are creating new configurations of media power,
through blogs and other media;
c. the relation between the transnational consumption of popular
culture, and official discourses of soft power, in particular the soft
power competition through appropriation of popular culture in both Korea
and Japan for cultural diplomacy (hallyu vs. Japan's GNC);
d. the use of cheap accessible popular media such as Internet blogs
comics for unofficial hate discourse, such as the I Hate Hallyu
(Ken-hanryo) comic series in Japan, which does not surface in TV dramas;
e. the role of the growing exchange between academics in these
in creating a shared intellectual framework of cultural studies and
media studies, and the reception of cultural studies and postcolonial
studies in the region.
Draft program
Friday August 4, 1 - 6 pm, followed by dinner
Saturday August 5, 9 am - 6 pm
FRIDAY 1:00-2:00 KEYNOTE SPEECH (open to public)
Kang, Myung-koo (Seoul National University) Disciplining Morally Sound
Citizens and Regulating Sexual Expression in
Television Dramas in South Korea
2:00-3:00 Netizens and politics in Korea
Jaz Choi (Queensland University of Technology) Mixing Self with Media:
Online Audience Participation in Consuming Media
and Self in Korea
Mohita Roman (Monash University) Media, nationalism and the Comfort
Women issue
3:30-4:30 HALLYU ~V Korean (popular cultural) Wave on Asian Shores
Kim, Sujeong (Chungnam National University) Hallyu and Asian cultural
Rhee, Joonwoong (Seoul National University) An empirical study on the
Chinese reception of Hallyu
4:30-6:00 Politics and Culture
Michael Keane (Queensland University of Technology) Redesigning China's
future: the new East Asian Cultural Co-prosperity Zone
Wu Guanjun (Monash University) The Anti-Japan protest movement in China
Beatrice Trefalt (Monash University)
Kobayashi Yoshinori's Sensoron: manga in Japan's battlefields of history
Lauren Richardson (Monash University) Japanese history text book
controversy: A Content Analysis of Newspaper
SATURDAY 9:00-10:30 Transnational flows of media and texts (1)
Yamanaka, Chie (Osaka University) The penetration of cross-cultural
understanding through television
format: Did the Korean Wave itself generate the manga "Ken-kanryo (We
hate Korean Wave)"?
Brian Yecies (University of Wollongong) Floodgates for Transnational
Cultural Flows Are Open! Hollywood
Accidentally Breeds Tiger in South Korea, 1985-2006
Roald Maliangkay (Australian National University) Korean animation: How
Do Korean Animators Survive in an Industry Marked
by Clich?s?
11:00-12:30 Transnational flows of media and texts (2)
Hyangjin Lee (University of Sheffield/Rikkyo University) Korean Wave in
Japan: Disturbing a Global Identity?
Gloria Davies, Michael Davies and Younga Cho (Monash University),
Marketing and Representing Gender Variance: The Case of Hari Su
Stephen Epstein (University of Wellington, New Zealand) Drinking Beer in
Sapporo: Changing Images of Japan in South Korea
1:30-3:30 Translation as cultural negotiation
Judy Wakabayashi (Kent State University) Chinese Vernacular Novels in
Edo Japan: Some Contemporary Implications
Ross Mouer (Monash University) Translation of Japanese popular novels
Minako O'Hagan (Dublin City University) Free Labour for Love? -
Fan-Subs and Scanlation Networks
James Rampant (Monash University) The Monash manga translation workshop:
Lost in scanlation
Injung Cho (Monash University) Lost in Subtitles: Korean Films and TV
4:00-6:00 Hallyu and Soft Power
Peter Murphy (Monash University) Soft Power and Hard Power in the East
Asian Portal Ecumene: The Reach and Limits of Aesthetic Authority
Dan Black (Monash University) Cultural Export and National Specificity
Kim, SungMin (Seoul National University) The configuration of discourses
on opening Japanese popular culture in Korea, 1987-1994 : the
open-'revolving' door of a ban
Park, Seong Jae (Doctoral student, Seoul National University) and Kim,
Hyun Suk (Masters student, Seoul National University)
What the "Korean Wave" means to Koreans: Selling and imagining Korea
Lee, Sung-Min (Masters student, Seoul National University)
Christian Broadcasting System(CBS), The first private broadcasting in
South Korea, 1948-1959
Celebrating 40 years of Japanese Studies at Monash
Associate Professor Alison Tokita
President, Japanese Studies Association of Australia
Convenor, Japanese Studies Program
School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics
Monash University
Vic 3800 Australia
Tel: 61 3 9905 2275
Email: Alison.Tokita at
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