Yokai hyaku monogatari (1968) Directed by Kimiyoshi Yasuda

Peter Larson peter_larson2000
Fri Jun 9 18:44:10 EDT 2006

There is a US DVD version of it that I saw at Best Buy
recently. I don't remember how they butchered the
title, but one exists here (assuming you are in the


--- Mindy Varner <melinda.varner at colorado.edu> wrote:

> RE: I believe it's got to be Yokai hyaku monogatari.
> On the basis of Ms.
> Soddu's suggestions, I searched again, this time
> looking for your
> "rokurokubi,"and I think this must be your film--if
> so you can order a DVD
> copy of it from Amazon Japan today, if you like, and
> watch it within a few
> days (but you need a Region 2 player capability to
> see it).
> KineJapan members,
> Thank you all for helping me solve this mystery!  I
> am going to order this
> film today and will let the list members know if it
> proves to be the same
> piece. 
> I certainly appreciate all the assistance!
> Mindy Varner 

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