Ishii's First Contact

Stefan Nutz nuzumaki
Wed Mar 1 21:12:01 EST 2006

When i was looking something up on the IMDB i stumbled about Ishii Katsuhito's newest film: Naisu no mori: The First Contact (if i am not completly wrong, the film was screened this year in Rotterdam- wasn't it?). Has anybody on the list already seen it? The user comment really made me looking forward to this contact:

....sitting in a theatre for that long it's nice to have *some* sort of narrative to get carried away on (it's enough time to spin quite an epic). NAISU NO MORI feels almost like it should be an ambient film - on at a club or something. I can't think of any more eclectic film in cinematic history. Think SURVIVE STYLE 5+ meets Kitano's GETTING ANY meets NAKED LUNCH meets Alejandro Jodorowsky meets Aphex Twin, and you're getting somewhere near where the film is at! (Simon Booth, IMDB) 

OK... this can mean a lot (in both- the good and bad way), but made me quite curious.

best wishes, 

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