piracy conference in Manila

Jonathan M. Hall jmhall at uci.edu
Mon Nov 13 17:11:07 EST 2006

Dear KineJapanners,

Given the interest on copyright we've followed for a years now-- 
thanks in no small part to Aaron's postings on the legal developments  
in Japan, I've taken the liberty of sending this information on a  
conference this month in Manila, albeit one not about Japanese film.

Yours sincerely,

Jonathan M. Hall
Japanese Film, Media, and Modern Literature
Assistant Professor, Comparative Literature / Film & Media Studies

320 Humanities Instructional Building
UC Irvine, Irvine CA 92697-2651 USA
office: 1-949-824-9778
fax: 1-949-824-1992

Begin forwarded message:

> From: mail at tilmanbaumgaertel.net
> Date: November 13, 2006 6:06:48 AM PST
> To: <mail at tilmanbaumgaertel.net>
> Subject: piracy conference in Manila
> Please distribute widely! Thx.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> A Conference on Media Piracy and Intellectual Property in South  
> East Asia
> Sponsored by the Goethe Institute, Manila, and the UP Film Institute
> Date: November 24, 2006, 9:00 am  5:00 pm, UP Film Institute,  
> University of  the Philippines, Diliman, Metro Manila, CMC Auditorium
> Many Filipinos still remember the "Asian Edition" - a scheme during  
> the Marcos years, when American textbooks were reprinted locally  
> and without paying royalties to the original publishers. Now,  
> “Asian Edition” serves as title for a conference that will look at  
> the phenomenon of media piracy in South East Asia today. Music,  
> movie and software piracy is one of the most prominent media issues  
> of the digital millennium. In the Philippines it has started a  
> whole underground economy and currently seems to change the way  
> movies and other media products are distributed and consumed  
> products here and in other South East Asian countries.
> The goal of the workshop is to contribute to an informed discussion  
> of media piracy and issues of Intellectual Property in the age of  
> digital reproduction. Instead of portraying piracy exclusively as a  
> crime against artists and distributors, the proposed workshop will  
> look at piracy as a social, cultural and economic phenomenon. And  
> it will discuss new concepts of addressing ownership of  
> Intellectual Property, such as Creative Commons and Open Source.
> Dr. Tilman Baumgärtel, Visiting Professor at the University of the  
> Philippines, organizes the conference.
> Confirmed participants include:
> Raymond Red, film director, Manila
> Cornelia Sollfrank, artist, Hamburg
> Raul Pertierra, sociologist, Manila
> Rolando Tolentino, National University Singapore
> Volker Grassmuck, writer, Berlin
> Khavn de la Cruz, film director, Manila
> More information at:
> www.asian-edition.org
> The conference is free and open to the public.

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