call for papers

Nina Cornyetz P nc25
Thu Nov 16 08:33:46 EST 2006

Call for Papers:
We are soliciting articles for an edited volume entitled?Perversion and 
Modern Japan:?Experiments in Psychoanalysis.??
Freud's psychoanalytic method provides a set of sophisticated tools for 
thinking about culture, history, and subjectivity.? It?shows us how 
experience is translated into memory and the past is rewritten 
according to present needs.?As?the study not only of the stories we 
tell about ourselves but also of the reflexive effect those stories 
have in making us who we are, psychoanalysis is a radically 
anti-foundationalist method.? ?If focuses not on the excavation 
of?cultural or individual truths, causality, or origins but on the? 
retrospective narrative mechanisms through which meaning accretes 
around bits of often arbitrary experiences and associations. ?For 
scholars in Japanese studies the psychoanalytic method offers a 
valuable corrective to the linear teleologies of modernization theory 
and the seductive pull of culturalism.? We hope to include in this 
volume a wide range of essays that take up the challenge of reading 
"Japan" as a psychic object constituted through fantasy.

Possible topics include (but are certainly not limited to):

The history of psychoanalysis in Japan
"Nihonjinron" and psychoanalysis
Psychoanalytic readings of popular culture, literature, or cinema
Psychoanalysis and historical memory
Orientalism and psychoanalysis
Psychoanalysis and Japanese Modernity
Psychoanalysis and Imperialism?
Paranoia and fascism
The nation as fetish
Myth and history
Perversion and Modernity

Please send abstracts of articles by January 5, 2007 to
Nina Cornyetz and Keith Vincent
New York University
Gallatin School
715 Broadway, Fifth Floor
New York, NY 10003

Direct any questions to nina.cornyetz at and keith.vincent at
Final, complete articles will be due by in July, 2007.
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