DVD/Video rentals in Tokyo

Mark Nornes amnornes at umich.edu
Fri Oct 27 07:50:21 EDT 2006

One of the best rental stores I've seen in Japan is in Waseda, an  
upstairs shop around the corner from one of the Tozai line exits.  
You'll find it if you look. One of its strengths is lengthy runs of  
famous directors. You'll need a VHS deck, which you can pick up  
cheap  at second-hand at pawn shops.


On Oct 27, 2006, at 5:26 AM, J.sharp wrote:

> Talking of obscure stuff like Adachi's Josei Guerrilla, I  
> discovered all
> these films and some ultra weird oddities (and not just Japanese)  
> in the
> ultimate cult rental shop, Auviss in Koenji (or was it Nakano - my  
> memory
> fails me...).
> With this and the two Tsutaya outlets in Shinjuku and Shibuya, I  
> basically
> managed to see everything I wanted (and not just Japanese - there's  
> nothing
> like these places in the UK - absolutely amazing).
> Also, you should visit the Book Off discount used book store chains
> occasionally for cheap secondhand DVDs as well.
> Enjoy your stay!
> Jasper
> --------- Original Message --------
> From: KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
> To: KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu <KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio- 
> state.edu>
> Subject: Re: DVD/Video rentals in Tokyo
> Date: 26/10/06 21:25
>>   It's not really a video rental store per se, but you should  
>> check out
>> JANIS in Ochanomizu (www.janis-cd.com) - its mostly a cd rental shop
>> (and probably about the best one in Japan, in my opinion), but they
>> have a rather small but solid selection of offbeat films in the back,
>> pretty much the kind of stuff you'd expect a rock store to carry - I
>> think they've got about everything Terayama made, some quirkier
>> interesting pink films old and new, some smaller documentaries, stuff
>> like Adachi's &quot;Josei Guerrilla&quot;, etc etc.  Like I said,  
>> very
> small,
>> but a welcome break from Tsutaya (and if you're a music fan, prepare
>> to be amazed).  It's also a pretty short trip from anywhere in  
>> central
>> Tokyo.
>>  -Nate
>> On 10/27/06, Mitch Cullin &lt;fpunk at yahoo.com&gt; wrote:
>> &gt; Hi,
>> &gt;
>> &gt; I'm hoping a few people on the list here might be able
>> &gt; to help me out.  My partner &amp; I are moving to Tokyo in
>> &gt; December.  Since we're bringing a region-free DVD
>> &gt; player with us but can't take our beloved DVD
>> &gt; collection, we were wondering where the best DVD
>> &gt; rental places are in Tokyo.  We'll be living fairly
>> &gt; close to both Ikebukuro and Shinjuku, so any
>> &gt; suggestions for rental places in those areas that
>> &gt; offer an extensive, diverse, quirky collection of
>> &gt; films would be greeted with resounding cheers.
>> &gt;
>> &gt; Many thanks in advance,
>> &gt; Mitch Cullin
>> &gt;
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