Mizoguchi -- what else survives?

Maria Jose mjk555 at skyblue.ocn.ne.jp
Sun Sep 24 01:59:13 EDT 2006

>The title of the film is Ojo Okichi (untranslateable - the name of the 
>heroine), and it was made in 1935. It is so obscure that isn't even listed 
>in any English language Mizoguchi filmography I've seen. The reason for 
>this may be that it is actually another film co-directed by Mizo (the name 
>of the co-director, who is little-known, has momentarily eluded me 
>however). In any case Hiroshi assured me that the film looks like a 
>Mizoguchi, and as the leading lady is Isuzu Yamada, then Mizo's regular 
>star, I would guess that it was planned for Mizoguchi. If anyone knows any 
>more about this film (or even has seen it!), please let us know - I 
>haven't had a chance actually to watch it yet.

Are you sure you are not referring to "Tojin Okichi" (Mistress of a 
Foreigner or Okichi the Foreigner) which was co-directed with Teinosuke 
Kinugasa  in 1930?


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