Mizoguchi -- what else survives?

Dick Stegewerns indibako at mbox.kyoto-inet.or.jp
Tue Sep 26 22:55:14 EDT 2006

Dear Alex,

Regarding the Ojo Okichi credits, by 'recent credits' I meant the short 
standard credits added at the beginning of satellite tv broadcasts (in this 
case by the Shochiku channel Eiga Gekijo). The film itself starts out with 
the 'original credits', which do not look as if they were added at a later stage.

Dick Stegewerns
Osaka Sangyo University

>Re. Ojo Okichi - if there are recently added credits does that mean the 
>original credits were deliberately removed? If so, where did you see the 
>original credits crediting Mizoguchi as 'hodo'? Are there two prints in 
>circulation; or by 'original credits' do you mean credits listed in 
>contemporary publications such as Kinema Junpo?
>The film is listed in some Japanese Mizoguchi filmographies such as in 
>the KJ book. But in any case, even if it's only Mizoguchi-related, it's 
>nice to have it!

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