Kore'eda's new film

Lewis Cook lcoqc at earthlink.net
Wed Sep 27 09:54:56 EDT 2006

Ordinarily, the graphs glossed "meizan" in the waka below would be  
read "nagori." Is there an exception that applies here, I wonder?
"naho" is emphatic in the context - roughly, the phrase "yori mo nao"  
means 'even [or yet] more than [the winds that scatter [entice] the  
FWIW  L Cook

On Sep 27, 2006, at 6:59 AM, Maria Jose wrote:

> The title of the film corresponds to the last tanka
> Lord Asano Takuminokami of Chushingura story/Ako Clan fame
> composed before commiting seppuku, in which he compares himself to  
> scattered
> fallen flowers,presumably of sakura:
> Kaze sasofu hana yori mo naho haru no meizan ikani tokasemu
> 風さそふ 花よりもなほ 我はまた 春の名残を いかにとかせむ
> but what exactly is "naho"?
> Maria Jose Gonzalez
> Kansai University

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