Anime and genre

Todd Brown todd at
Thu Sep 28 12:18:29 EDT 2006

I think there are certainly distinctions within anime and a lot that
certainly doesn't stand up to cinema standards - though you could say the
exact same thing about a huge number of films - but there are also a growing
number of animation directors in Japan who are increasingly ill-served by
having the anime tag applied.  Mamoru Oshii, Satoshi Kon, Hayao Miyazaki,
Masaaki Yuasa among others are all legitimate auteurs in their own right who
are not accorded the respect they deserve because they are forced into the
otaku ghetto.  


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brian Ruh [mailto:brianruh at]
> Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 9:28 AM
> To: KineJapan at
> Subject: Anime and genre
> --- Lewis Cook <lcoqc at> wrote:
> >
> > 1. No idea how others on the list think about this - I don't have an
> > interest in theoretical debates about genre per se - but I don't
> > consider anime to be of the same basic genre as 'movies.'
> I know that you say above that you're not interested in genre debates,
> but I just have to ask -- why is "anime" separated from "movies" in
> your estimation? (Of course, not all anime is experienced in a cinema
> setting, so that might be one good reason.) And do you consider anime
> to be a genre?
> I'm curious about such perceptions of anime and how it's thought about
> and categorized. I'm interested to hear what others might think about
> this as well.
> == Brian
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