Anime and genre

Jim Harper jimharper666
Thu Sep 28 10:18:11 EDT 2006

In general, I see no problem in considering anime movies alongside live-action movies, especially if there are thematic similarities. Anime horror (for example) is not completely different to live-action horror, so it's possible to discuss them together, although the sheer volume of material on both sides can make it impractical to do so.
  Jim Harper.

Brian Ruh <brianruh at> wrote:
  --- Lewis Cook wrote:
> 1. No idea how others on the list think about this - I don't have an 
> interest in theoretical debates about genre per se - but I don't 
> consider anime to be of the same basic genre as 'movies.' 

I know that you say above that you're not interested in genre debates,
but I just have to ask -- why is "anime" separated from "movies" in
your estimation? (Of course, not all anime is experienced in a cinema
setting, so that might be one good reason.) And do you consider anime
to be a genre? 

I'm curious about such perceptions of anime and how it's thought about
and categorized. I'm interested to hear what others might think about
this as well.

== Brian

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