New masters of cinema dvd-series Website

Jun-Dai Bates-Kobashigawa jd.kinejapan
Wed Sep 20 16:42:04 EDT 2006

Because of the amount of attention they pay to Japanese films, it
seems relevant to mention that the MoC dvd series has gotten a new
Website.  Of particular interest to this list is that they now have
essays and high-quality trailers for the films, so even if you can't
afford the DVDs, or aren't in the habit of hunting down British R2
dvds, you can see some of the scholarship that is put into the

The site is at:

Here is an essay for _ninjo kamifusen_:

In addition to the Japanese films in the catalogue, there's rumor
about that they are working on a few Naruse titles and a good number
of Mizoguchi films.

Since Nick Wrigley is on this list, and I'm guessing he's worked hard
to coordinate this, I'd like to congratulate him and the others on
putting together this useful resource.

    Jun-Dai Bates-Kobashigawa

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