Kore'eda's new film

Eija Niskanen eija.niskanen
Wed Sep 27 08:49:51 EDT 2006

I have been thinking a similar question: there is a scene where the
widow (Miyazaki Rie) asks the protagonist, what some word that appears
in the play they are doing, means, I remember that the word is
something like "mokkin", or a similar word. Mokkin I guess is a
musical instrument, but was the word this or something else?


On 9/27/06, Maria Jose <mjk555 at skyblue.ocn.ne.jp> wrote:
> The title of the film corresponds to the last tanka
> Lord Asano Takuminokami of Chushingura story/Ako Clan fame
> composed before commiting seppuku, in which he compares himself to scattered
> fallen flowers,presumably of sakura:
> Kaze sasofu hana yori mo naho haru no meizan ikani tokasemu
> ??????????????????????????????
> but what exactly is "naho"?
> Maria Jose Gonzalez
> Kansai University

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