Mizoguchi and neo-realism

Mark Nornes amnornes at umich.edu
Sat Jun 9 14:20:01 EDT 2007


You are, as usual, amazing.  It's very useful—something I have  
wondered; thank you very much!

I am very curious how you compiled this list. Can you share?


On Jun 9, 2007, at 1:53 PM, Roland Domenig wrote:

> The first Italian neorealism films had indeed their Japanese  
> release a year after Mizoguchi finished Yoru no onnatachi and it is  
> very unlikely that he has seen any of them.
> Here are the Japanese release dates of some of the neorealism films.
> Paisà (Roberto Rossellini): September 6, 1949
> Vivere in pace (Luigi Zamapa): October 4, 1949
> Il nome della Legge (Pietro Germi): January 15, 1950
> Sciuscià (Vittorio de Sica): March 21, 1950
> Caccia tragica (Giuseppe de Santis): June 10, 1950
> Ladri di biciclette (Vittorio de Sica): September 8. 1950
> Roma, città aperta (Roberto Rossellini): November 7, 1950
> Cuori senza frontiere (Luigi Zampa): September 1, 1951
> Il mulino del Po (Alberto Lattuada): November 25, 1951
> Riso Amaro (Giuseppe de Santis): March 20, 1952
> Germania anno zero (Roberto Rossellini); July 6, 1952
> La città si difende (Pietro Germi): September 1, 1952
> Miracolo a Milano (Vittorio de Sica): November 1, 1952
> Stromboli (Roberto Rossellini): October 31, 1953
> I Bambini ci guardano (Vittorio de Sica): March 16, 1954
> Umberto D. (Vittorio De Sica): October 1, 1962
> For some reason Visconti's early films haven't been shown in Japan  
> in the 1950s. Japanese audiences had to wait until retrospectives  
> in the 1970s and 1980s.
> Roland
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: owner-KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu im Auftrag von  
> Mathieu Capel
> Gesendet: Sa 09.06.2007 11:59
> An: KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
> Betreff:
> Hello everyone,
> Just a little question for mizoguchian specialists : a french critic,
> Jean Douchet, wrote some ten years ago that Mizoguchi's Yoru no
> onnatachi, released in 1948, was in some way influenced by italian
> neo-realism. But if I'm not wrong, and Oshima Nagisa confirmed that in
> his "taikenteki sengo eigaron", these italian movies had been all
> released in Japan from 1949 to 1950...
> I was just wondering if Mizoguchi ever had the chance to see these
> movies before shooting his own Yoru no onnatachi... Could someone help
> me for that ? Thanks a lot.
> Mathieu Capel
> Paris
> <winmail.dat>

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