Forest Stories

Massa Alice V. kingyo02
Fri Jun 1 03:04:53 EDT 2007

Talking about written stories, there is also the funny "Chuumon no ooi 
ryouriten" by Miyazawa Kenji.

alice massa 

>From: "Rob Smith" <robixsmash at>
>Reply-To: KineJapan at
>To: KineJapan at
>Subject: Forest Stories
>Date: Thu, 31 May 2007 16:35:29 -0400
>I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction for 
>that take place in the forest. Preferably not samurai stories. I'm 
>looking for anything too specific, but something closer to Tom 
>Sawyer than
>Lord of the Flies. Ghost stories are fine. Kids lost in the woods,
>adventure, obstacles and tasks...stuff like that.  (It doesn't 
>have to be a Japenese story, but this is a Japanese film list.)
>I'm looking for both films and written stories, so whatever you've 
>got (as
>long as there is an English translation) is cool.

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