new book

Masao Inoue m.inoue at
Sat Mar 3 21:37:19 EST 2007

Dear Kinejapan members

I have published the new book in Japanese which titled "Bunka to Toso ―Toho
Sogi 1946-1948"(The Struggle for Culture:The Labour Dispute at Toho Studio
1946-1948).Tokyo: Shinyo-sha.5700 +tax yen.ISBN 978-4-7885-1037-1

This book tries to clarify the substance of the Toho Dispute through
analyzing of many varieties of documents and papers of company and labour
union including the minutes of the meeting,private diary of the art director
Many famous director,Kurosawa Akira, ImaiTadashi, Gosh Heinosuke, Yamamoto
Kajiro,KinugasaTeinosuke ,Toyoda Shiro,Yamamoto Satsuo etc. committed
themselves to this dispute actively.

I believe this book will help you to understand a conflict between the movie
business,union activities and the desire of art-oriented director in
Japanese context.

I am sorry that I do not intend publish English version due to my poor
English literacy and book volume .

Thank you.

 Yours sincerely,

        Masao Inoue
       Professor of
       Rikkyo University,
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