
Alex Zahlten Alex.Zahlten at
Fri Mar 16 04:53:00 EDT 2007

Hi Melek,

actually Sakuran also has a female scriptwriter, Tanada Yuki. Tanada wrote and directed the fabulous "Moon and Cherry", a parody of the shishosetsu genre with a gender twist.
Tanada apparently is quite disappointed with the quite heavy alterations that Ninagawa made with her script. 


-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 15:16:45 +0900
Von: Melek Ortabasi <mortabas at>
An: KineJapan at
Betreff: Sakuran

> Hi all,
> Out of curiosity, given the recent discussion of live-action movies 
> based on manga. Has anyone seen _Sakuran_, possibly in Berlin? Any 
> thoughts? Since it's directed by a woman (photographer Ninagawa 
> Mika), based on a manga by a woman (Anno Moyoco), I wonder if the 
> film isn't a fairly rare breed? Also interesting: the fact that the 
> lead actress is half German (Tsuchiya Anna), but plays a (sort of) 
> Edo-period courtesan.....probably part of the reason it was selected 
> to screen in Berlin.
> Sorry for the open-ended questions, but the psychedelic color scheme 
> of the film caught my eye, and I was just wondering if someone had 
> anything more profound to say about it.
> Cheers,
> Melek
> -- 
> Melek Ortabasi, Ph.D.
> Assistant Professor
> Department of Comparative Literature
> Hamilton College
> Clinton, NY
> **Visiting Researcher at The University of Tokyo, 2006-2007**

alex at

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