Funakoshi Eiji
Aaron Gerow
gerowaaron at
Mon Mar 19 02:41:28 EDT 2007
Sanspo reports that the actor Funakoshi Eiji died on the 17th of a
cerebral infarction. He was 84.
Funakoshi graduated from Senshu University and joined the Daiei Studios
in 1947. He appeared in a large variety of films, with the JMDB listing
169 to his name, but he is most known for playing the lead in Ichikawa
Kon's Nobi (Fires on the Plain). He appeared in many Ichikawa films,
such as Man'in denshi, Watashi wa nisai, Kuroi junin no onna, Hakai,
and An Actor's Revenge, as well as in many by Masumura Yasuzo (Manji,
Moju, Karakkaze yaro, Nise daigakusei), Yamamoto Satsuo and Yoshimura
Kosaburo. Other films include Kawashima Yuzo's Shitoyakana kemono and
the first Gamera movie. From the 1970s on, he appeared mostly on TV. He
married the actress Hasegawa Yumiko, who was the niece of Hasegawa
Kazuo. Their son, Funakoshi Eiichiro, is also an actor.
Aaron Gerow
KineJapan owner
Assistant Professor
Film Studies Program/East Asian Languages and Literatures
Yale University
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