AW: Question about Toei Central film
Roland Domenig
Wed Mar 28 20:16:01 EDT 2007
T?ei Central Films was established in December 1977 as subsidiary of T?ei in order to maintain the supply of films for their contract cinemas that couldn?t afford the long-run strategy of T?ei?s higher budget productions. It?s first production was Murakawa T?ru?s Mottomo kiken na y?gi (The most dangerous game), which was followed by several more films starring Matsuda Y?saku. In addition to their own productions, T?ei Central distributed films of independent productions such as Oguri K?hei?s Doro no kawa (Muddy River, 1981), Wakamatsu K?ji?s Mizu no nai p?ru (A Pool without Water, 1982) or Kawashima T?ru?s Ry?ji (1983) and commissioned 2 pink films every month, which were exclusively produced by Mukai Hiroshi?s Shishi Production. Takita Y?jir?, Kataoka Sh?ji, Watanabe Mototsugu and Sat? Hisayasu directed their first films this way. T?ei Central Films was disbanded in October 1988.
Roland Domenig
Institute of East Asian Studies
Vienna University
-----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht-----
Von: owner-KineJapan at im Auftrag von
Gesendet: Mi 28.03.2007 15:59
An: KineJapan at
Betreff: Question about Toei Central film
I was wondering if anyone out there could tell me the relationship between
Toei Central Film
active in the 70s, and Toei. Was this a subsidiary, similar to Shochiku and
Tokatsu, or does it only have a name in common?
Thanks, in advance,
Jasper Sharp
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