Movies depicting the 'teens in Japan

Tim Iles timiles2003
Sun Mar 4 10:05:57 EST 2007

Matsumoto Toshio's _Dogura magura_ (1988) is set in the Taisho era, I believe, but we don't get to see much of it--the film's set in an insane asylum, but uses that setting/era/set of characters to comment on contemporary Japan...

I'd actually misread your thread title, and had thought your question was about  movies that depict TEENS--anyone have a favourite selection for that? Shiota Akihiko's _Gaichu_, Morita Yoshimitsu's _Kazoku geimu_... and many more.


Tim Iles
University of Victoria

"" < at> wrote: Would Kaizo Hayashi's To Sleep so as to Dream qualify - cant remember if the
year is explicitly stated within the film...


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--------- Original Message --------
From: KineJapan at
To: KineJapan at 
Subject: Movies depicting the 'teens in Japan
Date: 03/03/07 18:34

> Watching Takahata's "Gauche the Cellist" (which seems to be set in 1915 or
thereabouts) last night, it dawned on me that one rarely sees the period
1910-1920 depicted in Japanese.  Can anyone else think of films that
depicts this decade in Japan?MEK

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