Announcing Kinema Club VIII at Nippon Connection

Mark Nornes amnornes
Sun Mar 4 12:49:08 EST 2007

Greetings all,

Kinema Club VIII is coming up this April in conjunction with the  
great Nippon Connection.

I was hoping to announce this with a link to the Kinema Club website  
with abstracts, but we're having some technical difficulties. For the  
mean time, here is a pdf of the poster Nippon Connection has  
produced. It has the line-up of papers. Abstracts will soon follow on  
Kinema Club.

Looks like a great one. Details on the films and filmmakers are being  
finalized and will be out soon.


Markus and Alex

PS: There are already some changes to the panels; the website version  
will be definitive.....

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