Haratoonian Adachi interview query

Jasper Sharp jasper_sharp at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 8 10:14:39 EST 2007

I was wondering if anyone on the list could help me with something.

The screener tape I received from the distributor of Adachi's Yuuheisha/Prisoner (Terrorist) earlier this year came with reems of photocopied exegesis about Adachi's past and his intention with the film. The most useful of this was an interview with Dachi conducted by Harry Haratoonian and Go Hirasawa. I heard rumours recently that this has been republished somewhere, perhaps in a recent book edited by Inuhiko Yomota about Adachi and Wakamatsu. Can anyone please give me any details on this book - the kanji title, etc.

Another question that has been plaguing me recently is regarding the name Tooru, as in Tooru Murakawa, Tooru Takemitsu etc. I was wondering when one transliterates this into english, whether to macronise this or, as I am thinking, to retain the double 'o' - this is in keeping with the verb 'to pass' or in constructions like "watashi no iu toori ni shite kudasai" ("do as I tell you please"). I ask this because my dictionaries always give it in the furigana 'tooru' and not 'touru' as per usual with long 'o's. So in this sense, writing Tohru Takemitsu is wrong, as it should be pronounced "To-oru".. Am I making any sense?

Thank you very much,


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