Kanai Katsu DVD

Mark Nornes amnornes
Wed Nov 28 16:20:58 EST 2007

Perhaps it has something to do with practical issues like this.  
However, ever since the dawn of video art, artists have struggled with  
the problem of reproducibility. If the art object is infinitely?and  
with digital, perfectly?replicable, then it doesn't have a aura that  
the artist can cash in on. One strategy has always been the limited,  
numbered run of video cassettes, imprinted with the artist's  
signature. Where? There.



PS: Surely the precedent for this practice is the book itself?he  
writes, glancing at the cabinet with more than one book he paid a  
premium for thanks to a scribble on the inside.

On Nov 28, 2007, at 3:52 PM, Stefan Nutz wrote:

> Thats true. I don't know how many dvds he is going to burn, but in  
> the end it's more work to make two
> different VIDEO_TS or ISO files. So from a logical, technical and  
> economical point of view, there is no sense in producing two  
> versions, but i can understand about releasing a "special edition" -  
> he should definetly do that.
> best,
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Aaron Gerow"  
> <aaron.gerow at yale.edu>
> To: <KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu>
> Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2007 9:12 PM
> Subject: Re: Kanai Katsu DVD
>>> Something i'd like to point out is that if you press 100 dvds with  
>>> English subtitles and - let's say - 2000 without, you would have  
>>> to  make an extra dvd-master (and extra covers...etc.). So there  
>>> is no  economical reason for doing that. The production of the  
>>> discs would  simply cost more in the end.
>> From what I've heard, it only makes sense to make a glass DVD  
>> master  if you are doing over 1000 copies. So that's why a lot of  
>> independent filmmakers who sell their works just burn copies  
>> individually on  their computers, or use machines that burn several  
>> at a time. The  quality is not as good, but it is cheaper to  
>> produce for small runs  of like 100 or 200.
>> Aaron Gerow
>> KineJapan owner
>> Assistant Professor
>> Film Studies Program/East Asian Languages and Literatures
>> Yale University
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