new to kinejapan

Jason Weidemann weide007
Tue Oct 9 09:54:53 EDT 2007


I'm a new member to the KINEJAPAN list and wanted to introduce 
myself.  My name is Jason Weidemann, and I am an acquisitions editor 
at the University of Minnesota Press, where I acquire in Asian 
studies and cinema and media studies.

I've joined the list primarily for a reason -- I'm currently seeking 
out translators with experience translating Japanese non-fiction into 
English, and I was told this listserv might be a good place to put 
out a call. If anyone knows of any individual translators or 
resources, I'd appreciate the advice!

Thanks // Jason

Jason Weidemann
University of Minnesota Press
111 Third Avenue South, Suite 290
Minneapolis, MN  55401
fax: 612/627-1980
weide007 at

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