RV: [CEAO-L] Oferta de trabajo en Suiza; Three postdoc openings in Zurich

Lorenzo J. Torres Hortelano ljth2006
Tue Oct 9 15:34:08 EDT 2007

See something that could be interesting for some of you.

>The University of Zurich Institute of Art History, Section of East
>Asian Art History
>Invites applications for
>Three Postdoctoral Assistant positions, open to specialists in fields
>of East Asian
>art history (Chinese, Japanese, or Korean art history)
>starting on March 1, 2008 (or as negotiated).
>All three half-time positions are fixed for a three years period, with
>one possible
>three-year extension (for a maximum total of six years).
>Responsibilities include:
>Participation in the teaching, research, and general duties of the
>Section of East
>Asian Art History
>Taking part in the planning of regular study excursions
>Taking part in the planning and teaching of introductory courses at
>the Institute
>of Art History
>Independent work on own research projects
>Hiring procedures and salary levels according to the employment laws of
>Seeking candidates who have completed their PhD within East Asian art
>or a closely related field. The candidate should be fluent in English
>and German,
>and should have written and spoken command of a major East Asian language
>(Japanese, Chinese, or Korean). The successful candidate should demonstrate
>excellence or clear promise of future excellence in research and teaching.
>Applicants should send a letter stating their interests and
>qualifications, a CV, a
>list of publications, and an outline of their research project to:
>Professor H.
>Thomsen, Institute of Art History, University of Zurich, Ramistrasse 73,
>CH-8006 Zurich, Switzerland.  Please note: applications must be received by
>October 30, 2007.
>Hans Bjarne Thomsen
>Section for East Asian Art History
>Institute of Art History
>University of Zurich
>Gablerstrasse 14
>CH-8002 Zurich
>Tel +41 43 344 5880
>Fax +41 43 344 5884
>thomsen at khist.uzh.ch

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