films about Yaoya Oshichi

Frako Loden frako at
Tue Sep 4 17:03:34 EDT 2007

Does anyone know of films based on the story of Yaoya Oshichi, the 
teenage grocer's daughter who in 1682 burned down her own Edo house 
to be reunited with her priest lover and was burnt alive for it? I 
know there are a number of bunraku and kabuki plays based on her 
story, and a bunraku version is being performed in some American 
cities this fall. I see mentioning a 1923 film ("Yaoya 
Oshichi") with Nikkatsu Kyoto/Onoe Matsunosuke involvement. Where 
could I get more details on this and possibly other film versions of 
Oshichi's story? (Japanese language OK)

Thanks a lot,
Frako Loden

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