films about Yaoya Oshichi

David Lewis david.lionel.lewis at
Wed Sep 5 22:25:49 EDT 2007

a search at jmdb with 八百屋お七 produces seven matches, the same seven with
Yaoya Oshichi in their title that were given by Roland Domenig

as far as I know, jmdb doen't offer kana search (unless, of course, kana is
part of the name)

this being said, sometimes search don't work very well from within jmdb - at
such times, googling '(name) jmdb' usually does the trick

David Lewis

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Frako Loden" <frako at>
To: <KineJapan at>
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 6:28 PM
Subject: films about Yaoya Oshichi

> Thank you so much, Sybil . . . Roland . . . Bill! I appreciate your
> help. I should have known there would be loads of cinematic material
> on this story.
> This is information I could have gotten myself, but I have never
> successfully searched anything at, for some
> strange reason. I type a kana title, e.g. Yaoya Oshichi [in
> hiragana], into the search box and nothing comes up.
> "Mitsukarimasen." I wonder what I'm failing to do.
> Frako Loden
> Berkeley

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