Question: Postwar Constitution in Japanese Film
Arne Fahje
arne at
Thu Sep 6 09:26:35 EDT 2007
There is an NHK drama from 1996 about the drafting process of the new
constitution. It is called 憲法はまだか [kempo-ha madaka]
You can find some further information here:
From my perception there is though not much of political extremes in
it. It is also no movie, but a TV production.
Arne Fahje
Wienique Ebatsu schrieb:
> Hello!
> I forgot to enter a subject last time, so here I am trying again.
> Does anyone know of any films dealing with (directly or indirectly)
> with the postwar constitution, political extremes like ultra
> nationalism or the sense of "false peace"?
> I have seen some titles but would like to see if any of you can come
> up with something I might have missed.
> I would also like to know if there is a way to find out how well a
> movie did in the theaters when it came out and how it was received
> (numbers of visitors and or revenues as well as the opinions by
> authorities on film reviewing in Japan )
> Many thanks in advance,
> Wienik Everts
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