Question: Postwar Constitution in Japanese Film

Jonathan M. Hall jmhall
Thu Sep 13 17:18:39 EDT 2007

Dear All,

Bad losers sounds like a good story!

On a similar note, there is also Ted Fowler's article  "Piss and Run:  
How Ozu Does a Number on SCAP."  It's an essay Dennis Washburn and  
Carole Cavanaugh's Word and Image in Japanese Cinema. (2001).

It's an allegorical reading of postwar politics, not the Constitution  
per se.


On Sep 7, 2007, at 4:02 PM, =%iso-8859-1?Q?Lars-Martin_S=F8rensen?=  

> Hi,
> You may find it worthwhile perusing my dissertation, 'The Little  
> Victories of the Bad Losers - Resistance against U.S. Occupation  
> Reforms and Film Censorship in the Films of Yasujiro Ozu and Akira  
> Kurosawa 1945-52' if you are interested in how the implementation  
> of the reorientation policies sponsored by the Occupation (and  
> 'their constitution')  was thematized in occupation films.
> Best,
> Lars- M. Sorensen
> Postdoctoral Research Fellow
> Section of Film & Media Studies
> University of Copenhagen

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