oshima's nihon shunkako

Mathieu Capel mathieucapel at gmail.com
Tue Dec 30 09:16:22 EST 2008

Dear Kinejapaners,

Being in charge of the translation of Oshima Nagisa's Nihon shunkakô for a
french dvd edition, I was wondering what book does Otake sensei reads around
the 25th minute of the film...
Unfortunately, the original scenario does not mention the title. From the
image itself, I got quite sure that Otake sensei is quoting from french
philosopher Alain's *Spinoza*, but was unable to find the original paragraph
in there - although some paragraphs are really close, what leads me
eventually to think that this could be some kind of editing or rewriting...
I would truly be indebted to any person able to give me some help.
Many thanks and happy new year to enery one...

Mathieu Capel
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