Bucknell job

Aaron Gerow aaron.gerow at yale.edu
Thu Jan 17 13:38:34 EST 2008


Bucknell University - Visiting Assistant Professor, Japanese Language &


Location: Pennsylvania, United States
Institution Type: College/University
Position Type: Visiting Assistant Professor
Submitted: Tuesday, January 15th, 2008
Main Category: Asian History or Studies
Secondary Categories:   Literature

The Bucknell University Department of East Asian Studies invites
for a one-year, entry-level replacement position as a Visiting
Professor in Japanese language and literature for the 2008$B(B09
year. Ancillary competencies in film, visual culture, or art are a
Teaching responsibilities will be: one course in Japanese language each
  term, a
Foundation Seminar for in-coming first-year students in the fall
  semester, and
three Japanese culture courses, taught in English. ABD required; Ph.D.
preferred. Teaching experience, especially language teaching experience
Genki, highly favored. Candidates must be able to speak English
  effectively and
have native or near-native command of Japanese, with standard
  pronunciation. To
apply, please submit cover letter and C.V. to . Send three letters of
recommendation and teaching evaluations (if available) to Erik R.
Chair, ATTN: JpzLangLit Search, East Asian Studies Dept., Bucknell
Lewisburg, PA 17837. Review of applications will begin 11 February 2008
continue until the position has been filled. Bucknell University values
diverse college community and is committed to excellence through
  diversity in
its faculty, staff, and students.

Contact Info:
Erik R. Lofgren, Chair
ATTN: JpzLangLit Search
East Asian Studies Dept.
Bucknell University
Lewisburg, PA 17837
Phone: (570)-577-1765
Email: elofgren at bucknell.edu
Website: http://www.bucknell.edu/jobs

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