Foreign collections of Japanese film books and journals

Sybil Thornton camford1989
Wed Jan 16 17:08:55 EST 2008


I sent Roger Macy's last email to Hamish Todd of the
British Librarian and he has provided the
clarification on searching catalogues below.

Sybil Thornton

It is not accurate to say there is no consistency
among members of the EU and UK Japanese Union
Catalogues.  The position is that both the  European
Union Catalogue and the UK Union Catalogue are based
on records derived from those of the National
Institute of Informatics (NII) (formerly NACSIS).  The
romanised Japanese is created by a conversion
programme from the katakana yomi contained in those
NII records.  Therefore long vowels are represented as
"aa" ("sentaa"), "ii" ("shiriizu"), "ee"  ("imeeji"),
"ou"("toukyou") or "uu" ("kenkyuu").   A long "o"
representing the Japanese character ??E(big) will be
transliterated as "oo"" -e.g. "oosaka", "ookagami".  

The position in the BL is that any Japanese books
which happen to be in the BL's Integrated Catalogue
will be searchable without distinction between long
and short vowels.  These would mainly be reference
books in the Asia & African Studies Reading Rooms. 
The overwhelming majority of books written in Japanese
will be found in the Union Catalogues where
long vowels are indicated as explained above.

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