Eiga geijutsu Best Ten 2007 (E+J)

rwdavisjr@ca.rr.com rwdavisjr
Thu Jan 17 19:23:34 EST 2008

Thanks for this list, Aaron, and for the Kinema Jumpo one too. As balance apparently rules my life, I've seen half of the films from both Eiga geijutsu's best and worst lists. I'd have to agree that Sakuran, Dai Nihonjin, the Miike film, and especially the Shiota and Kitano films were disappointments. I didn't survive any of them.

And, though I wasn't so impressed with Soredemo boku wa yattenai on an artistic level or with Yamashita's Tennen kokekko on the content side, I did think Aoyama's Sad Vacation was his best film yet. Sadly, it looks like the upcoming r2jp disc won't have subs. [In case anyon'es interested: cdjapan lists the next 7 movies as already available on dvd. Numbers 2, 3, and 7 have English subs.]

Bob Davis

---- Aaron Gerow <aaron.gerow at yale.edu> wrote: 

Best Ten:

1) Sad Vacation
2) Sore demo boku wa yatte nai
3) Tennen kokekko
4) Tama moe!
5) Matsugane ransha jiken
6) Sakebi
7) Shaberedomo shaberedomo
8) Sidecar ni inu
9) Kokudo 20-gosen
10) Jaman + ame

Worst Ten:

1) Dai Nihonjin
2) Boku wa, kimi no tameni koso shinini iku
3) Kantoku banzai!
4) Koizora
5) Sakuran
6) Orion-za kara no shotaijo
7) Sukiyaki Western Jango
8) Toku no sora ni kieta
9) Dororo
10) Aoki okami--chihate umi tsukiru made

Just a note: thanks to Nippon Connection, we will be showing Jaman +  
ame (German + Rain) this semester at Yale.
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Aaron Gerow
Director of Undergraduate Studies, Film Studies Program
Assistant Professor
Film Studies Program/East Asian Languages and Literatures
Yale University
53 Wall Street, Room 316
PO Box 208363
New Haven, CT 06520-8363
Phone: 1-203-432-7082
Fax: 1-203-432-6764
e-mail: aaron.gerow at yale.edu

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