AW: Shell production
Roland Domenig
roland.domenig at
Wed Jul 16 20:50:28 EDT 2008
I second Michaels assumption that the films Kusakabe mentions are The Rival World and The Back and Beyond.
A 16mm print of The Rival World is, by the way, offered at ebay right now:'s-SHELL-OIL-30-MIN-COLOR_W0QQitemZ260262950495QQcmdZViewItem?IMSfp=TL080715154r5438
Von: owner-KineJapan at [owner-KineJapan at] im Auftrag von Michael Raine [mjraine at]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 16. Juli 2008 19:01
An: 'Mathieu Capel'; KineJapan at
Betreff: RE: Shell production
Hello Mathieu,
These films sound like The Rival World (dir: Bert Haanstra, 1955) and The Back of Beyond (dir: John Heyer, 1954). They were both famous films, widely shown. The first was shown at the same Brussels festival as Tokyo 1958 and is briefly discussed in an issue of Geijutsu shincho, March 1958. I haven't seen it but I imagine that it uses the same microphotography techniques seen in the award-winning films from Tokyo Shinema ( at the time. The second film is actually an Australian production, but shown around the world. I think it's available on DVD there if you're interested. Again, I haven't seen it...
Michael Raine
Assistant Professor in Japanese Cinema
The University of Chicago
mjraine at
-----Original Message-----
From: Mathieu Capel [mailto:mathieucapel at]
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 9:36 AM
To: KineJapan at
Subject: Shell production
Dear Kinejapaners,
The following question isn't directly related to japanese cinema, I
hope you'll forgive me for that, but as I am reading a testimony from
producer Kusakabe Kyûshirô about the origins of Hani/teshigahara's
Cinema 58 and ATG, I was wondering if any of you knows some movies he
talks about, i. e. two experimental films produced during the 50s by
the Shell oil company in England, and which he refers to as 人類の敵
(Jinrui no teki) and 砂漠に住む人達 (Sabaku ni sumu hitotachi).
Many thanks,
Mathieu Capel
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