searching for old jishu eiga reference

Mark D. Roberts mroberts37 at
Mon Jul 28 09:28:51 EDT 2008

Hi Jasper,

On Jul 25, 2008, at 9:48 PM, Sharp Jasper wrote:

> I was wondering if anyone could help me track down an article that I  
> read about in the Kinejapan archives from 1997. I think the article  
> was about the emergent jishu eiga scene. The original post was as  
> follows:
> In the US edition of Time, an article was published on April 28  
> (VOL. 149 NO. 17) with the title: "Return to Greatness: Forget the  
> "big audience". Upstart independent directors, like the old  
> cinematic masters, are making movies with meaning" by Donald Richie.

Try this URL:



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