Yasukuni documentary suppressed

wgardne1 at swarthmore.edu wgardne1 at swarthmore.edu
Tue Mar 18 22:36:00 EDT 2008

There was flap about the film last week as well, when several LDP asked
for an unusual pre-release screening because they had heard that it might
have have "anti-Japanese" sentiments. The distributor resisted the request
at first because of justifiable fears of censorship, but later agreed on
the condition that the screening be open to all Diet lawmakers. I don't
know if there were any further developments, though, based on what the
suspicious LDP'ers saw. (Though the T-Joy decision to pull the film in
Shinjuku may be related...) Has anyone heard anything more about this

Here's the story about the special screening from kyodo News/Japan Times--


On Tue, March 18, 2008 21:53, Mark Nornes wrote:
> In Variety, Mark Schilling reports that Toei subsidiary T-Joy has
> pulled Li Ying's Yasukuni from a scheduled screening in Shinjuku in
> April. A spokesperson said the picture "has a lot of controversy
> surrounding it. If an incident occurs it will cause trouble and
> hardship to the other tenants in the building." It will be interesting
> to see if the other theaters lined up follow suit.
> Markus

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