UK tour of Kihachiro Kawamoto films + British animation, March-May 2008

Jasper Sharp jasper_sharp
Mon Mar 3 12:36:07 EST 2008

Thanks very much for your kind words Peter, although I can't take the credit for the marvellous website, which was the work of those kind folks at the Bristol Watershed. I am sure Kawamoto's beautiful films will win over British audiences, but I should add that there are plenty of treasures to be found in the British animation programs too - Barry Purves makes a perfect companion program for Kawamoto's films.

I should add now too, as has just been pointed out to me, that Kawamoto's films are to be released on DVD by Kino in America, so finally this great artist is getting the recognition he deserves.




> Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2008 11:28:22 -0500
> From: grilli at
> To: KineJapan at; jasper_sharp at
> CC: grilli at
> Subject: RE: UK tour of Kihachiro Kawamoto films + British animation, March-May 2008
> Jasper,
> Thanks for putting together such a great retrospective of Kawamoto's
> films, and for the beautiful website that accompanies it.
> Kihachiro Kawamoto is such a master puppet-animator that I hope many
> audiences all over the UK fall under the spell of his films -- as I have
> whenever I've seen them.
> CONGRATULATIONS on this fine series!
> Peter
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-KineJapan at
> [mailto:owner-KineJapan at] On Behalf Of Jasper
> Sharp
> Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2008 11:05 AM
> To: kinejapan at
> Subject: UK tour of Kihachiro Kawamoto films + British animation,
> March-May 2008
> I mentioned something about this tour a few months ago, but now the
> website is all ready and various other venues have confirmed. See:
> The main event is in a fortnight, with numerous screenings and a panel
> discussion with Barry Purves and Aardman Animation's Peter Lord. A whole
> smorgasbord of delights for stop-motion animation fans - please spread
> the word and look forward to meeting any Kinejapanners at these venues.
> Jasper Sharp
> Kawamoto: The Puppet Master
> Watershed Media Centre, Bristol, UK and various venues across the UK
> >From Sat 15 - Fri 21 March
> A major retrospective of the stop motion animation works of Kihachiro
> Kawamoto programmed by Jasper Sharp in conjunction with the Watershed.
> The season is accompanied by British puppet animations from directors
> such as Barry Purves and Oscar-winning Suzie Templeton and Bristol-based
> Dave Borthwick and Peter Lord and the opening weekend features a puppet
> workshop for children, and a panel discussion with two of the UK's lead
> animators. The program will be travelling to Newcastle, Manchester,
> Edinburgh, Sheffield and The Barbican, London.
> _________________________________________________________________
> Telly addicts unite!
> -- 
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Telly addicts unite!

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