Tokyo libraries with English books

Aaron Gerow gerowaaron
Mon Mar 31 00:22:00 EDT 2008

Meiji Gakuin now has an ID check system, so it may be difficult for 
just anyone to get in.


On 2008.3.30, at 10:34  PM, Lori Morimoto wrote:

> When I was at Meiji Gakuin in 2003, they had a reasonably good cinema 
> collection in English (and I believe their catalogue is online through 
> the university website, so you could check to see what's available), 
> and there was no one doing any kind of ID check at the library 
> entrance.  You wouldn't be able to check books out or use any of the 
> online databases, but if nothing has changed you should be able to at 
> least look at the books and take notes on site.

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