Nakashima Tetsuya's debut

Jasper Sharp jasper_sharp at
Thu Aug 6 10:37:05 EDT 2009

Thanks for your help Jordan, and to everyone else who responded too. I guess the main fact is that the title is intentionally ambiguous in Japanese, and there is no official English title for it.
Its an obscure 8mm jishu eiga anyway, so who knows what its about and what it all means!



Midnight Eye

Date: Mon, 3 Aug 2009 23:03:20 -0700
From: oyabaka at
To: KineJapan at
Subject: RE: Nakashima Tetsuya's debut

Hi Jasper,
I'm not sure, since I haven't seen the film, but hanoji usually refers to the old punctuation mark, kind of like a comma, used as the basic shape in some kamon (family crests). 
The film title writes it $B$O$N;z(B as you note, but if it's the same word I'm thinking, it would be written $BGC$N;z(B, in this case, a much older reading of $BGC!J$H$b$(!K(B, another word for that mark. 
So it doesn't quite seem like the abbreviation theory would apply (if it did, it would be like saying "the L-word" or "the F-word", right?); instead, does the film emphasize a break with or forgetting of the past or family inheritance, heritage, tradition, or something along those lines? 
Don't know if that helps or hinders translation choices, but anyway, for what it's worth...
Take care,
On Today 9:30 AM, jasper_sharp at wrote: 

 Hmmm. The plot thickens. A Japanese friend told me "Normally $B$N;z(B relates to the word comes before that, and taking the first letter of this word and say like $B$[$N;z(B, this $B$[(B stands for $B$[$l$k!J(Bin love), or someone says she is $B$-$N;z(B means she is crazy because $B$-(B is first character of $B$-$A$,$$(B(crazy). Also if you say $B$*$s$N;z(B means greatful. So if you don't know what $B$O(B stands for in the film, you only can translate "Forgetting HA". HA could be the first letter of someone's name or the first letter of an object"

Neither make a huge amount of sense!

Midnight Eye

Date: Mon, 3 Aug 2009 12:25:55 -0400
From: herlands at
To: KineJapan at
Subject: Re: Nakashima Tetsuya's debut

 It's an interesting title, Jasper. "hanoji" is about going round and round in circles$B!D(B Perhaps a title of $B!H(Bbreaking the cycle$B!I(B would work? Good luck.


On Aug 3, 2009, at 11:50 AM, Jasper Sharp wrote:

Dear Kinejapanners,
I'm really trying to work out a decent translated title for this first jishu eiga by Memories of Matsuko director Nakashima Tetsuya:
Hano ji wasurete ($B$O$N;zK:$l$F(B, 1981). (see:

I don't know if this film has appeared in any of his official english language biographies, and I am certain it hasn't been shown anywhere outside of Japan. The Japanese seems to be intranslatable, or at the very least, ambiguous.

Can anyone help at all?

Jasper Sharp

Midnight Eye

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